/ #Opinions 

The Return of the Blog


The first article of the newly published blog, how I got to this point and the plans for the futures

Published 🎉

The blog is finally plublished at https://mountaindev.tech, the last missing bit was having the CI running.

Now that the blog is published I decommissioned the old blog, old urls and all the services I had running to power the old plaform, including, a production Kubernetes cluster, a sandbox Kubernetes cluster a couple of databases and way too many convoluted DNS records, this is a huge achievement!

Thech stack

The final tech stack looks like this:

The content source is store https://github.com/matteo-hertel/blog it holds only the content of the different pages/posts.

The blog itself is a static site generated via Hugo with a custom theme called Slimer originally a fork of Ghost’s theme Casper in which I’ve added:

  • Webpack 4.
    • Hot reload between Hugo and the webpack dev server
    • Storybook for web components
  • WebComponents built with Stencil.

The vast majority of the static assets are handled by Cloudinary.

The CI is handled by Travis.

The CD is handled by Netlify the super awesome thing about Netlify is that I it’ll deploy a preview to a temp url for each pull request (more on this in a separate post).

The DNS are managed via Cloudflare.

Plans for the future

As promised in my first post I’ll firs of all cover my PoC of integrating WebComponents in a static site generator, after that I cover what the blog has so far:

  • CI/CD integrations
  • Deployment
  • on netifly

And then I’ll add one feature at the time and write about it, the rough plan is:

  • PWA
  • Search
  • Testing, visual testing, integration testing, e2e testing
  • Security(headers, tips and tricks)

I’ll then cover more deployment strategies:

  • on firebase hosting
  • on kubernetes


This is the rough idea I have at the moment, things my change, get delayed or move faster but, in the meantime, if there is anything you want me to cover/talk about, give me a shout on Twitter.

Until next time, have a good one.


Cover picture by Daniel Cheung on Unsplash